Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Anna Von Reitz - Most Beloved Francis


by Anna Von Reitz
Update September 26, 2016

Most Beloved Francis,

Last week we forwarded the summation of our Joint Claim of Divine Estate to the Suprema Tribunale.  This is, as you know, the summation of eight (8) years of Due Process, including our acknowledgement and acceptance of The Universal Postal Union Treaty of 2010, issued under The Seal of Saint Peter, all the derivative land claims, and finally, the Non-UCC Liens of the actual American states against the "states of states" and the re-conveyance and acceptance of the land assets back to the jurisdiction of the land. 

We have been in contact with the King of Spain and he is fully advised regarding our return to the land jurisdiction and our claim of protection under all our established treaties. 

We fully recognize our position as Fiduciaries acting in behalf of the Priority Creditors of the entire world.  We have requested a settlement of the accounts, first by a mutual offset credit exchange, and second by universal debt forgiveness---including the forgiveness of odious debts established by merely presumed beneficiaries of our estates.  

There can be no bankruptcies and no confiscations initiated by bankruptcy trustees related to debts that have been forgiven by the Priority Creditors. This includes confiscation of central banks by bankruptcy trustees. 

We have asked for all assets of the Federal Reserve banks, together with their bank charters, to be transferred over to the American States and Nations Bank for auditing, evaluation, and disposal under new management.

A simple plan providing for social and economic justice and providing for new economic drivers worldwide was also made part of our claim to ensure that all people will benefit from our peaceful and equitable resolution.

In the days since our Joint Claim was forwarded, tensions have grown and focused around the 120 day default of the FEDERAL RESERVE with rumors of "martial law" being declared in America and other places around the world.

The cause of the social unrest anticipated would self-evidently be the seizure of the Federal Reserve by Bankruptcy Trustees acting in behalf of Secondary Creditors.  However, as we have approved the mutual offset accounting and the forgiveness of any remaining debts, no such bankruptcy may be presumed to exist and no claims by Secondary Creditors take precedence over the claims of the Priority Creditors--- the actual American States and living people who are the lawful heirs and beneficiaries.

We note that the "United States"--- a British hegemony--- has been under martial law continuously since 1863 and that any such declaration of martial law would be fraudulent as well as redundant.  

We also note that the vast bulk of the American people have been deliberately and self-interestedly mischaracterized and misidentified as British Subjects, with the result that any such declaration of "martial law" could only logically apply to those relatively few people who actually are "United States Citizens" or "citizens of the United States" and not to those who have been mistreated under Breach of Trust by the British Monarch and the Lord Mayor of London.

We finally note that the perpetrators of these schemes against us and against our lawful government have long prepared to use commercial mercenaries disguised as legitimate government agencies as a means to impose the false claims of Secondary Creditors against our material assets.  Any such deployment of these agents acting under color of law --- FEMA, DHS, BATF, IRS, FBI, BLM and so on---would immediately be recognizable as criminal racketeering.

We pray for your prompt action and support of our worldwide initiative, including global debt forgiveness and the creation of the World Heritage Fund and World Investment Fund as a means to provide prompt and lasting relief to individual people on a one-on-one basis throughout the world.  We stand ready to further discuss the need for infrastructure, new technological development, pollution remediation and control, financial reform, and the host of other urgent issues facing the people and the planet. 

Most respectfully,

Anna Maria

See this article and over 300 others on Anna's website here:www.annavonreitz.com

An important NOTICE to Jacob Rothschild by Anna Von Reitz


Jacob Rothschild = The New Republic = La Neu Republique

by Anna Von Reitz

Monday, September 26, 2016

Everyone needs to get real sober, real fast.  Especially Jacob Rothschild.

Mr. Rothschild has performed a worthy, albeit, self-interested public service.  He has bought the debts of the International Monetary Fund in sufficient quantity to stave off World War III, but the quid pro quo is that he and his new "governmental services corporation" calling itself "The New Republic" inherit the service contract created by The Constitution for the united States of America and get to provide (and charge us for) the nineteen enumerated federal services.

The problem is and has been (for 150 years) that we are the States of America and we get to choose who provides services for us and we also rule the land jurisdiction of this country, so there is a new contract to be negotiated. And this time it is going to be negotiated by us, not by service providers making deals behind our backs among themselves and then pretending to "represent" us.

We were not impressed by the service provided by earlier Rothschild companies that were bankrupted under false pretenses.  And we liked the service provided by the Rockefellers and their partners in crime even less.

So any idea that we are under any obligation to accept Mr. Rothschild's company doing business as "The New Republic" as our federal service provider is to say the least, premature.  We have accepted some services on an as-needed, temporary basis---- and we thanked Mr. Rothschild for his willingness to provide them, but we have made no commitments and have not allowed him or his corporation to assume anything but a pay-as-we-go position. 

The perps in DC have caused a real problem for us and for the rest of the world. And those perpetrators are NOT Americans.  They are all British Subjects and always have been.  The "United States" they represent is not The United States that belongs to us as a birthright forever.

All the fraud and all the banking and legal chicanery in the world won't change the facts and we have adequately demonstrated the facts and objected to any self-interested interpretation of them before the Suprema Tribunale--- the Vatican Chancery Court.

The official international contact for the American States at this point is the American Native Nations, and the indigenous American delegations that include the Athabascan and Lakota nations at the United Nations, not the Neu Republique, which is just more European meddling in our business.

We have acted as the Priority Creditors of the Federal Reserve and documented our claims with twenty years of Due Process and Recorded Claims and international Liens in behalf of the living people and the actual American States. 

We are the Priority Creditors of all 185,000 corporations registered in this country including national corporations like "JAPAN" and "AUSTRALIA" and "CANADA" and all the corporations standing under their auspices, too.  

In that capacity we have discharged all our debts and everyone else's, first by mutual offset credit exchange, and second by debt forgiveness.  There is no excuse for any bankruptcy schemes or probate fraud and no excuse either for any Secondary Creditors or Bankruptcy Trustees to show up on our doorsteps claiming that we owe any debts to anyone. 

Such false claims and racketeering will be promptly rebuffed and recognized as commercial war crimes. 

The American States have been officially re-conveyed to the jurisdiction of the land and are under the protection of all the international treaties and guarantees owed to them.  The King of Spain has been duly notified and he has taken up position to make sure that the Queen and Prince William get their paws off our assets and stop usurping against our lawful government. 

Mr. Rothschild's role in all this is not resolved in that he and his organization are welcome to offer their services, but acceptance of those services on any long term or continuing basis has not been agreed to by the Fiduciaries. The New Republic employees are being paid month-to-month. And any attempt to confiscate the assets of the Federal Reserve by The New Republic would certainly be a crime and an act of war recognized by the entire international community.

Our country is finally undergoing the reorganization that should have happened at the end of the American Civil War, 150 years ago.  As part of that reorganization we have a great deal of catching up to do and our people have a lot to learn about their actual history and about the organization of the rest of the world, banking, and a great many other things.  America, in a sense, is finally growing up--- and however difficult and painful a process that has been, we have survived our Mommy, Dearest relationship with Great Britain and emerged on the other side of it.

We entertain Mr. Rothschild's assistance and are grateful for it, but it should not be taken as any long term contractual agreement to receive services.  Our people must be fully informed and any such contract must be fully disclosed and appropriately administered from now on.  Our states must be properly organized and new Fiduciary Deputies trained and sworn in and bonded.  A true Continental Congress must be assembled and many issues must be addressed including who gets the federal contract and if there is to be a federal contract.

Alone among the great nations of the world, America has tolerated "sharing"  its international jurisdiction with foreign nations--both Britain and France.  Our experience with this arrangement has not been good and after more than two hundred years of European chicanery on our shores, many of us feel that America has outgrown it. We are ready and willing to discuss new agreements and to undertake complete responsibility for the conduct of our business and yes, to take our rightful place among the nations of the Earth--no longer playing the part of an immature adjunct of Britain or France. 
See this article and over 300 others on Anna's website here:www.annavonreitz.com
Does anyone get the impression that the U.S.A. corporation was simply EXCHANGED for the new and more powerful slave masters' - the Rothschilds - French 'Republique' corporation?? 
Did General Dunford commit an act of TREASON against Americans?

Republican Poll after Debate Sept 27th

Tuesday, Sep 27TH as of approx 11:35 PM

Was Donald Trump the Right Choice for the Republican Nomination?

  • 1) Which candidate do you support in the general election?

    • Donald Trump 28773 - 95.46%
    • Hillary Clinton 856 - 2.84%
    • Gary Johnson 513 - 1.7%
  • 2) Do you think Donald Trump was the best choice to receive the Republican nomination?

    • Yes 24463 - 81.24%
    • No 5650 - 18.76%
  • 3) If you could select anyone to be the Republican nominee for President who would it be?

    • Donald Trump 21449 - 71.21%
    • Jeb Bush 273 - 0.91%
    • Ben Carson 1629 - 5.41%
    • Chris Christie 153 - 0.51%
    • Ted Cruz 2074 - 6.89%
    • Carly Fiorina 275 - 0.91%
    • Lindsey Graham 33 - 0.11%
    • Bobby Jindal 75 - 0.25%
    • John Kasich 929 - 3.08%
    • Rand Paul 322 - 1.07%
    • Rick Perry 185 - 0.61%
    • Rick Santorum 112 - 0.37%
    • Scott Walker 432 - 1.43%
    • Mike Huckabee 720 - 2.39%
    • Marco Rubio 752 - 2.5%
    • Jim Gilmore 16 - 0.05%
    • Other 691 - 2.29%   
    •  http://frontpagepatriot.com/survey3/survey1/survey1stats.html
    • To take the poll for yourself, go to:   http://frontpagepatriot.com/survey3/

Monday night's debate


Globalists : Ponder What Went Wrong


Former President Bill Clinton speaking at the annual meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative in New York this month

Until recently, you didn’t hear people being referred to as “globalist” very often. But in a time of rising nationalism, those who see the upside of globalism have become a distinct — and often embattled — tribe.

Last week, the globalists had a big family reunion in New York. The gathering was focused on the United Nations General Assembly, but a growing array of side conferences and summits and dinners also attracted concerned internationalists of every stripe: humanitarians, leaders of nongovernmental organizations, donors, investors, app peddlers, celebrities.

But an absence haunted the week. Almost by definition, nationalists and localists are underrepresented at these global gatherings. Their paucity was especially notable this time, because the rising signs of nationalism — whether in the form of Donald J. Trump’s winning the Republican nomination, the British vote to leave the European Union, or the German backlash against Angela Merkel’s welcome to refugeesHovered like a specter, Mr. Clinton spoke of the globalist vision of a “nonzero-sum” world in which everyone wins together and of how that idea was under attack by “zero-sum” tribal politics.

In a discussion Mr. Clinton moderated on shared prosperity, his four guests were esteemed globalists. The panel included Mauricio Macri, a former businessman who recently defeated Argentina’s entrenched populists to become president; Matteo Renzi, the Italian prime minister who styled his own career on the pro-market progressivism that Mr. Clinton called the “Third Way”; Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, a former Nigerian finance minister and World Bank official; and Sadiq Khan, the first Muslim mayor of London, who was a forceful advocate for Britain’s remaining in the European Union.

“Argentina has suffered decades of populism,” Mr. Clinton said in welcoming Mr. Macri. Mr. Clinton told Mr. Khan that he was “an example of positive interdependence.” But the panel’s insight was limited by the absence of anyone who could explain populist ire with authenticity — who could explain why, as Mr. Clinton put it, “the intensity of the feelings of people resisting our being pulled together outweighs the intensity of those who are winning from this.  The advocates of a more densely enmeshed world seemed caught in a bind. 

Their project has long been to get people to enlarge the sphere of their worry, to look beyond national boundaries. But now more than ever, neglect the unemployed workers in the Rust Belt, or ignore the dissatisfaction with Europe in northern England, and it becomes harder to help Syrian refugees or thwart climate change.

I asked Mr. Clinton after his conference about the challenge of balancing help for Kenya with care for Kentucky, in an age when Kentucky anger threatens to push the United States toward less engagement in foreign problems.

“What you call ‘Kentucky anger’ is being fed in part by the feeling that the most powerful people in the government, economy, and society no longer care about them, or look down on them,” Mr. Clinton responded via email. “The pain and road rage we see reflected in the election has been building a long time,” he added.

But he sought to deny the inevitability of tension between globalism and nationalism, pointing to the example of a program he recently visited that was building nanosatellites at Morehead State University in eastern Kentucky. Kentucky benefits from the program, but so, he argued, might Kenya, where the satellites could, for instance, detect and help combat the trade in phony medicines.

“When opportunities are increased in one part of the world,” Mr. Clinton said, “there are often positive effects where you might least expect them.”


Monday, September 26, 2016

Censorship : GOOGLE & YOUTUBE

YouTube  to  ‘Fight  Trolls’  by  Hiring  Army  of  Trolls  to  Delete  Videos  They  Disagree  With

Google-owned network slammed for new lurch towards political censorship

Americans - read and learn!


Disgusting British Women Are Travelling To The Camps In Calais For The Sole Purpose Of Having Sex With Muslim Invaders For Fun

2016-09-24 03:31:16-04

Migrants queue to get food at a site dubbed the "New Jungle", where some 3,000 people have set up camp -- most seeking desperately to get to England, in Calais on September 19, 2015. The slum-like migrant camp sprung up after the closure of notorious Red Cross camp Sangatte in 2002, which had become overcrowded and prone to violent riots. However migrants and refugees have kept coming and the "New Jungle" has swelled along with the numbers of those making often deadly attempts to smuggle themselves across the Channel. AFP PHOTO / PHILIPPE HUGUEN (Photo credit should read PHILIPPE HUGUEN/AFP/Getty Images)Posted in FeaturedGeneral
The following post was leaked anonymously on Facebook by an “aid worker” in the infamous Calais Muslim camps that exposes a reality that is both shocking as it is disgusting- how British women (and some men) are volunteering to work in the camps for the sole purpose of having a giant sex party with the […]

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North Korean Authorities Take Christians, And Crucify Them Over Fire, They Also Take Other Christians And Crush Them To Death With Steamrollers

2016-09-24 16:26:43-04

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By Theodore Shoebat North Korean authorities are hanging Christians on crosses above fire, and are also crushing Christians to death with steamrollers, as we read in one report: Christians in North Korea face rape, torture, enslavement, and being killed for their faith, a damning new report from Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) has warned. CSW, a […]

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Muslims Entered The Place Where Jesus Was Born, They Prayed To Allah And Then Defecated All Over It, And The Vatican Gave The Muslims Protection

2016-09-25 18:42:42-04

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By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) The rare leaked photo above, never seen before in the West, should reveal that hypocrisy and baseless opinions are the two most abundant commodity of the damned wide gate. These surfaced in abundance when on April 2nd to May 10th, 2002, 200 Muslims who feared retribution for their terror acts, with […]

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Nazism Is Taking Over Germany, The Muslims And The Germans Are Working Together To Cause Mass Violence That Will Spark Major War And Usher In The Revived Nazi Empire That Will Slaughter Countless Christians

2016-09-26 00:50:02-04

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By Theodore Shoebat Years ago I had thought that the notion of a Fourth Reich was a far-fetched idea shelved in the hauls of ‘conspiracy theories’ since no one in the right mind would fall for Nazism again. Today, after you journey with me on what I have explored, you, as I did,  will be compelled to completely […]

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Dead ISIS Jihadi’s Cell Phone Reveals Terrifying Photo Of Sex Slave Auction In Saudi Arabia

2016-09-26 02:36:59-04

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This photo was recovered from a deceased ISIS jihadi’s cell phone. The young woman here was believed to be from Iraq: It shows a woman who is kneeling in front of an audience of Arab men who want to buy her as a sex slave. It happened at an auction organized by the terrorist organization […]

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Muslim Man Cheats On His Wife And Divorces Her For Another Woman, She And Her Daughter Dump Acid On His Face

2016-09-26 15:12:59-04

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In Southern Asia, many Muslim men mutilate their wives with acid if they are accused of “cheating” or even “insulting” them. Many of these women, if they survive, are permanently disfigured for life and shamed by their communities. Rarely does the reverse ever happen, but in this case it did: A Muslim woman allegedly threw […]

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‘Africans Are Kings And We Control The German Girls’ Invaders Brag About Sexually Harassing And Molesting German Women In Public

2016-09-26 15:33:42-04

africanscontrolPosted in Featured
Don’t believe me- the video speaks for itself: These people had better not get too comfortable in Europe and especially Germany, because their time is literally running out. As we have said before, the Germans are getting really sick of the Muslim and foreign invasion of their nation at the hands of their politicians, and […]

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Archie Bunker is the smartest guy that ever lived concerning gun control! Everyone could learn from him!


I know that some of you aren't enthused about Donald Trump but this does explain some things.
 This is absolutely unthinkable that nobody especially the CIA would have noticed this....

Trump is starting to look better all the time.
This information has all been checked, then double checked... It is 100% Correct.
That's why there is such an alarm within US government, since Trump's statement about temporary suspension of migration of Muslims to US until US authorities make sure there is a proper concept of safe penetration of US territory.

People are stunned to learn that the head of the U.S. CIA is a Muslim! I Do hope this wakes up some!

Until it hits you like a ton of bricks read it again, until you understand!
We now have a Muslim government in the US!

John Brennan, current head of the CIA converted to Islam while stationed in Saudi Arabia.

Obama's top adviser, Valerie Jarrett, is a Muslim who was born in Iran where her parents still live.

Hillary Clinton's top adviser, Huma Abedin is a Muslim, whose mother and brother are still involved in the now outlawed Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt!

Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for Homeland Security, Arif Aikhan, is a Muslim.

Homeland Security Adviser, Mohammed Elibiary, is a Muslim.

Obama adviser and founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, Salam al-Marayati, is a Muslim.

Obama's Sharia Czar, Imam Mohamed Magid, of the Islamic Society of North America is a Muslim.

Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships, Eboo Patel, is a Muslim.

Nancy Pelosi announced she will appoint Rep Andre Carson, D-Ind, a Muslim, as the first Muslim lawmaker on the House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, of all things! It would make Carson the first Muslim to serve on the committee that receives intelligence on the threat of Islamic militants in the Middle East! He has suggested that U.S. Schools should be modeled after Islamic madrassas, where education is based on the Quran!!!

Last but not least, our closet Muslim himself, Barack Hussein Obama.
It's questionable if Obama ever officially took the oath of office when he was sworn in. He did not repeat the oath properly to defend our nation and our Constitution. Later the Democrats claimed he was given the oath again, in private. Yeah, right.

CIA director John Brennan took his oath on a copy of the Constitution, not a Bible??

Valarie Jarret wrote her college thesis on how she wanted to change America into a Muslim friendly nation and she is an Obama top advisor!

Congressman Keith Ellison took his oath on a copy of the Qur'an, NOT the Bible!

Conservative Congresswoman Michele Bachman, R-MN, was vilified and verbally tarred and feathered by Democrats when she voiced her concern about Muslims taking over our government!

Considering all these appointments, it would explain why Obama and his minions are systematically destroying our nation, supporting radical Muslim groups worldwide, opening our southern border, and turning a blind eye to the genocide being perpetrated on Christians all over Africa and the Middle East!

The more damage Obama does, the more arrogant he's become!

Our nation and our government has been infiltrated by people who want to destroy us! It can only get worse!
In his book Obama said, "if it comes down to it, I will side with the Muslims."

If you fail to pass this one on, there's something wrong… somewhere!

Common sense doesn't grow in everyone’s garden!