Monday, January 9, 2017

The Rest of the Story, Or, Stop Being Stupid Part 16


By Anna Von Reitz

So we covered the Law of the Sea, both Maritime and Admiralty, and you know now that Maritime Law is also called Commercial Law, Roman Civil (or just "Civil") Law, Maritime Law, and Law Merchant. 
You know that Admiralty is distinguished from Maritime in that Admiralty pertains to military and governmental affairs on the High Seas, while Maritime concerns itself with civilian transport of goods, services, and "persons" on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways.  This is the same difference as the difference between the U.S. Navy and the Merchant Marine Service.
All these activities fall under the Law of the Sea, which is a very ancient venue of the law that first arose thousands of years ago and which was based on pagan religious beliefs and ethical principles.  The most recent overhaul of Maritime Law ---also known as Roman Civil Law --- took place in the Second Century BC.
So, no, Dorothy, when you step out into international jurisdiction, you are not in Kansas anymore, and the rules and standards of behavior and the guarantees you are owed on land no longer apply.
Satan, aka, Poseidon, was the original "God of the Sea" known as the "Father of All Lies", so you can pretty much figure out what his "Law" is like and can now understand why the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure demand an "appearance" of Justice, and not the actual thing. 
This foreign, pagan, Satanic form of law governs worldwide shipping to this day and  its "legal" practices are often "unlawful".  Only corporations can form the maritime or admiralty agreements known as contracts and only corporations can be held accountable for contracts.
So how is it that you, a living man, are being "held to account"?
It's largely because you have an ACCOUNT----and you have what is presumed to be a "Legal Name" and a "Signature" written in "Cursive"---- as in "curse of the Sea".   
Normal average land-lubbers have no such things, so when a judge sees an ACCOUNT and a legal name like "JOHN M. DOE" and receives paperwork that is "signed"---- as in American Sign Language--- in cursive writing, he has to assume that you are acting as a corporation operating under the legal name "JOHN M. DOE" and that you have an ACCOUNT as a franchise of a federal corporation (a Federal Reserve Bank) and that you have entered into "legal contracts" --- that is, Maritime contracts of some kind--- and that you are to be "held accountable". 
Now, none of this is true.  You have--most likely--never knowingly, willingly, nor under conditions of full disclosure entered into a Maritime contract in your entire life, but the way the rats have set things up, you are automatically presumed to be operating in this venal, foreign, pagan system and to be voluntarily subjecting yourself to the Law of the Sea----either Maritime or Admiralty. 
And you can scream and shout until the cows come home about your rights and guarantees owed to you on the land, but none of that counts at sea.
You have been press-ganged. 
"Illegally transported".
Your identity has been stolen along with your money and your credit cards.
And the so-called "beauty" of the scheme is that nobody told you or your Mother or anyone that had a legitimate interest in you what was being done behind the scenes.  The entire "transport" took place under color of law, silently, when you were only a few weeks old, and nobody was the wiser except the Bar Association crooks and the feckless politicians responsible for this outrage.
Their excuse?  Oh, it was all for the war effort.  It's always a war effort in which you are called upon to defend them from their well-earned enemies and wind up fighting the people that are at the very least your natural allies.
The perpetrators have given you the "gift" of a Legal Name and an ACCOUNT as a presumptive "ward" of their state.  Wasn't that nice of them, to claim ownership of your name and steal your identity and misrepresent your political status, so as to take you into the foreign jurisdiction of the sea and "legally" rob and rape you? 
So they press-ganged you into their service and claimed that you were a "citizen" and subject to the international law of the sea.  And you let them do this to you, because you were deliberately dumbed down, misinformed, and left as prey to these vile monsters when you were just a baby in your cradle. 
Well, as it turns out, your ancestors "reserved" all "non-delegated powers" in international jurisdiction to the states and the people (Article X of the actual Constitution) and since you were born as one of the "people" owed the land jurisdiction of this nation, you can kick the ever-loving Bejeezus out of these vermin using those reserved powers. 
For starters, you own and control the Federal Postal Districts, which are land-based and which underlie and occupy the same space as the "United States Districts" ---- only this is your international jurisdiction on the land as opposed to their international jurisdiction on the sea. 
You can now discern the difference between a "Federal Marshal" and a "United States Marshal".
The men and women responsible for this criminal scheme and treason against you stopped hiring Federal Marshals a few years back, because, after all, there are so few people left who are still claiming to be American state nationals--- that is, knowledgeably claiming their birthright as Virginians, Californians, Coloradans, and so on.   And because it doesn't suit their agenda against you to hire men and women to fill those peace officer slots, they've just neglected to fund them.
Ah, but as the source of all money and all credit on this planet, you can fund those positions.  You can fill those positions with volunteers, too.  And you can actually serve as a Federal Marshal yourself, if you have the time and the expertise and desire to make a difference in this situation and put an end to the crimes being carried out against Americans.
You can assemble your jural assemblies at the county and state levels throughout this once-great nation and you can make it great again, to borrow a tag line from Donald Trump.  You can start by recognizing the venal crimes that have been committed and you can start by objecting to any claim that you are any form of "citizen".  
Most of all, you can realize that the "federal government" is a foreign entity with respect to you and your states of the union, and that it has committed crimes against you and your states under the guise of serving you. 
You can "surrender" the PERSON they created for you a few days after your birth --- the legal name they substituted for your proper English name---
and "assign" its assets to your benefit and the benefit of your country.

You don't have to act as a "citizen" of anything and you don't have to live under the venal Law of the Sea.
See this article and over 400 others on Anna's website

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