Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Eustace Mullins - Secrets of The Federal Reserve (FULL)

Uploaded on Oct 16, 2011
Fantastic presentation by the late great Eustace Mullins about the Secrets of the Federal Reserve. Eustace Mullins is arguable the best researcher of esoteric topics.



Presentation took place in BC, Canada on August 2000


Anonymous said...

I have recently been called from within to learn about these secrets and found an 8 hour reading of the book at archive.com. I also started studying the Lehman Brother's failure via the When Banks Fail series on youtube and the last days of Lehman Brothers on youtube.

Those CDOs and derivatives are still out there ready to cause damage. With the OCC telling banks they have to settle up with robbed homeowners in the month of March, it feels fitting if there was no money then, and the Fed is all tapped out buying up the junk and the banks have no reserves, and have leveraged what they had, and have to pay out those they robbed, well, well, well, a March surprise for an April Fool.

Nice article about the fed holding up the markets, is out there too.
"Proof the Fed is Juicing the Markets" a foxbusiness article dated March 4, 2013.

Cynical CNN told some truths in the recent blog
Dow record? Who cares? Economy still stinks!

Heneghan and Bix Weir reports.
I'm enjoying that we have seen the hurricane coming, survived the first winds, passing through the eye of the storm and will get to see some real damage done - so we can clean up this mess and have a fresh start.

No more slavery.
Give us, us free.
(Like the guys said in the movie Amistad, when they could barely speak the English language but were aware people were holding court and deciding their future as if they had no say, at all in their own life and future.)

Anonymous said...

looks like the wolfs getting more expose without sheep skins!!!